Thursday, November 15, 2012

"WHEAT GRASS" The Alternative Cancer Disease Treatment"

 After being cool for two days, today i like to share tips with you about ALTERNATIVE CANCER DISEASE TREATMENT BY USING WHEAT GRASS JUICE
 Well, sharing tips and opinions on how to heal the world is better gifts than ever,It is believed that Wheatgrass Juice generates new cells in the body also balances the body's ph levels as a result the cancer cell can not survive in an alkaline environment.This helps the body to get back to normal.Wheat grass can be grown by any one at their backyard. It is a simple process. Sow the wheat seeds(the normal wheat seeds) and wait til the grass grows, cut the grass on 7th day, clean the grass and extract juice with the normal Mixer/grinder or using special wheat grass juicers. You get pure juice out of it. Drink it fresh, if any one can not drink it as it is because of its sour taste they can add a spoon of honey.People who can not grow grass can use Wheatgrass Powder which is available in the market
Also  Barley Grass has the same properties like Wheat grass and this is also equally good. for more info follow  

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