Friday, December 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela, 1918 – 2013: A Visionary for Africa

Nelson Mandela

The world mourns the loss of an historical giant. Nelson Mandela spent his life working toward political justice and fighting against South Africa's apartheid policies, but few know that his vision for South Africa included many conservation programs that helped conserve the nation's land and wildlife.

In 1995, Mandela supported the establishment of Open Africa, a pan-African project that works to create travel routes to promote responsible tourism and contribute to rural economies. In 1997, together with Dr. Anton Rupert, Mandela founded Peace Parks Foundation, an organization that works to establish protected areas that preserve animal migration patterns and share wildlife resources. Peace Parks successfully implemented the Futi Corridor, which allows elephants in Mozambique to roam freely along the Futi River, from Maputo Special Reserve to the South African border.